The above graphic shows that we raised £3905 from 44 donations, via the tournament,
auctions, and private/company sources. Total spent on food and white goods was £3905. As
you can see every pound raised was spent helping Ukrainian refugees in need and their Polish helpers. Total expenses £1400 was covered by private donation.
In addition to the money received from the table tennis tournament and donations, you gave
us a range of gifts including, soft and interactive toys, puzzles, clothing and shoes, scooters,
laptops, and PC's.
Due to your generosity the number of gifts received was so large we had to use an international courier service to help with the transportation.
Saturday - We donated table tennis equipment in Krosnice at a club run by Rafal Gandera,
where Ukrainian refugees play. Thank you Rafal and Andrzej Bialy the Mayor of Krosnice, for
your warm welcome.
We were supposed to just drop the gifts off, but the lovely atmosphere convinced us to stay
and take part in the table tennis tournament that was taking place. During this event, we had
the pleasure to give a T-shirt that belonged to Tin Tin Ho, the best woman player in the UK.
Thank you, Tin Tin.
Sunday – We visited some of the Ukrainian refugees who are under the care of Karina, one of our friends. Karina deserves a special thanks for her involvement and help.
Monday and Tuesday - We delivered and installed cookers, other white goods and groceries
bought from Makro Cash and Carry.
You bought so much happiness and everyone was grateful.
We met a family that just managed to cross the border, mother (Ola) and daughter
accompanied by their beloved Husky dog. It came as a surprise to see them arriving with just
one carrier bag.
We made sure they had enough supplies for upcoming months, including dog food. We could
not allow them to lose their lovely dog due to lack of food, as he is their best friend.
We met Karina Rozko and her husband, who use their free time to help people in tricky
situations. Karina has been helping Ukrainian Refugees, supplying food, and living space, since the beginning of the war. Thanks to Karina for such magnificent work and introducing us to the Ukrainian families that we helped. She passed on two addresses to us:
Chrobry Street, where in one house there are 18 people, mostly mothers with children and
Deszczowa Street, where in one house there are 48 Refugees. These refugees previously lived in abandoned houses with terrible living conditions. No words can describe what we saw and experienced during this visit.
We helped these families to meet basic needs including new cookers.
We had the pleasure to meet Marianna- a psychologist, who is also a victim of war. Marianna
managed to escape her country before the situation in Ukraine became so severe.
In Katowice she decided to help all victims of this war, to get through this traumatic experience.
To support her we bought stationery equipment for children, including crayons, markers, and
coloring books.
We donated coffee, tea, sugar, and milk, to support volunteers who were offering, water and
warm drinks for free from outside the train station, for refugees coming from the border.
In summary, this was a remarkable success and was only possible due to your kind hearts, you are all true philanthropists, and every effort was appreciated.
We would like to thank everyone for your contribution and support, all players who took part in the TT Heart Tournament, GS Institute, who kindly supplied the venue for the tournament and donated the entire profit to support us, Bribar for table tennis equipment that put a smile on so many Ukrainian children’s faces, IT students of Slask University for making sure all donated IT equipment by Shruti from Coombe Kingston was ready for use, and our very generous donators from Oxshott.
We are overwhelmed by your support, thank you